I loved reading about these categories, I’m going to have fun thinking about what books I have that fall into which ones. I think there might also be room for “middling” versions of some of the categories-books that have a mix of good/bad philosophy or speak to some moral truths while falling on others (I think a lot of more modern fiction can fall into this category) or books that are ok/not bad on the literary level but not as good as, say, Austen, if that makes sense. It’s a discernment question I often find myself asking with contemporary literature and movies/TV, is there enough good going on (either in terms of quality and/or morality) to warrant consuming the imperfect (either on terms of morality/quality)

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I like this nuanced take as well! I find painting in broad strokes is helpful for me to then go find the nuance as I think more deeply

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