Such a great listen. Loved the discussion on spoilers-I think in our TV/streaming world, there can be so much emphasis on shocking/surprising with a twist, such that once it’s all revealed, you realize there isn’t much else going for the show (plot actually isn’t well structured, characters are poorly written, bad dialogue, etc). And I think that way of writing/consuming can infect either how books are being written now, or how we read older books (I.e. being ‘bored’ by fiction that isn’t built around constant shock factor). So knowing “spoilers” for old books can help us focus on the craft outside of basic plot/think about deeper things like theme because we are being forced to think outside the modern mindset. Also definitely want to read this some day, just need to wait for the right time when I can handle the content haha. So glad I’ll go into it having touchstones to look for-which I find I need in Flannery’s writing

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I like the way you put that! I really do think that knowing the spoilers helps me settle into a book and enjoy every part of it and not just be turning pages to see what happens. It almost gives you the advantage of a pseudo second read.

You really will love it when you get to it! But it is intense so no pressure to get to it too soon!

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