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1. I tend to read much more on mood-outside of book club reads. There’s that lovely quote about how a book collection is like a wine cellar, wines are meant to fit specific occasions/meals and that’s how it is with my books. I also, like Hannah, tend to balance types/lengths against each other

2. As an adult my biggest change in reading habits has been reading multiple books at once, and I’ve found it so helpful as a Mom being able to bounce around between different books (ex. Focusing on my reread at the end of a tough day vs my new one). I tend to have 2-4 books at a time-reread, new book, religious book, and other (usually a book club book if I need to get it done and I’m already reading something in my other categories).

3. As a Mom I’ve learned to carry books everywhere I go and tell myself I’m teaching reading as an example to my kids. I definitely miss being able to read for hours at a time/miss the skill of doing that, but gotta love the season you’re in.

4. I totally get the struggle of wanting to read all the things/be very literary and able to quote books. I swear I get book anxiety about all the classics I haven’t read yet/need to read.

5. Please can reading revisited do the Oedipus Cycle??? I’ve adored them ever since high school, wrote a conference paper on them in college, and absolutely adored teaching them to freshman English students. They are so important and very readable too.

6. The Elegance of the Hedgehog!! Haven’t read in ages-looking forward to hearing thoughts about it.

7. I also am oddly not bothered by detective mysteries and wrote a whole post on why that is. Just read Murder Must Advertise and I agree all literary women do have a bit of a crush on Lord Peter

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