Aug 1Liked by Kelsie Hartley, Jessica Risma

I just finished East of Eden last night! I read it because of your Sub’s recommendation. At first, I didn’t love this book. But now I really love it! 😆

Thank you for the posts regarding all the themes in the book. It made me think deeper and helped me organize my thoughts! (There were so many thoughts…and now I realize I should have taken notes!)

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If you ever want to follow along, let us know if you want to join for our monthly video meeting! Usually the 3rd or 4th week of the month!

Next up is Pride and Prejudice on Aug 26.

I’m so glad you ended up loving the book. It’s one of my favorites. And Jess’ posts were amazing!

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Jul 11Liked by Kelsie Hartley

Thank you so much. I’m so excited about this! Being from Missouri, I would bring him second greatest figure in American Lit…..

My introduction to Steinback was “Grapes of Wrath.” I’m looking at a compendium of his other work thinking “this will all be let down, how could anything compared to that”

The definition of poor thinking! 🤣😂😂

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