May 18Liked by Kelsie Hartley

every time i’m in or even talking about Dickens’ world i want to stay in it, and then when i’m out of it i forget that! but this little excerpt reminded me of that and i am very excited to visit his world again soon!

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I still maintain that when I grow up I want to be the dad from About Time that uses all of his extra time to read Dickens! I love Dickens whenever I read him, but most of his books are such a big commitment that I have trouble starting one. This will be a nice short and sweet one to enjoy together (not that I’m against assigning another long one at some point!)

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May 18Liked by Kelsie Hartley

literally who i was thinking of as i was writing that comment

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Which also reminds me that I want to watch that movie again soon...and read Dickens...but who has time for both? I need to audiobook more Dickens I think!

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i saved them all to my audible library recently but the 50+ hrs of David Copperfield and Bleak House are… intimidating to say the least

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hahaha "...intimidating"! Yes! That's what always stops me!

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