Oooh, I love Supper of the Lamb! You are correct! Isn't he a delight? Like, why can't I see the world that way?!

Also, I was encouraged by your small note that you've stopped the audiobooks to be more present. I did the same and felt the pause in my own literary life. I don't regret it but this time of year, admittedly, when all start sharing they read 138 audiobooks, I wonder if I'm missing out. Get behind me, book glutton!*

*Me, not everyone.

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Your whole thing about book gluttony has inspired me! You and Alan Jacobs with his "reading at Whim" have both changed the way I look at my reading life. But yes, then at the end of the year I do feel as if I have missed out on filling in my reading gaps (which are many). Sometimes I have realized a good audiobook can help me refocus and be inspired, and then be a kinder mother, but keeping it intentional is the key. I am also back on Goodreads for the analytics, but it does have me feeling as if my reading life were a race again. I am not sure how to harness the motivation while still feeling leisurely while I read. Oh, the ever constant balancing that is the life of the mother-reader-teacher!

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