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We created Reading Revisited as a place for friends to enjoy some good old-fashioned book chat while revisiting the truth, beauty, and goodness we’ve found in our favorite books.

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Hi, my name is Kelsie Hartley! I am a wife, mother of 6, homeschooler, and Catholic convert. But, most importantly, I love books and can’t help pressuring other people to read them with me. A few years ago I started a Literature Book Club with ladies from my church and it has grown over the years and split into multiple groups. Each is a lovely community in itself and it is so fun to read books together across groups. Please come read with us!

Hi, my name is Hannah Suire! I live in the Chicago suburbs with my husband and three young boys. I came late to the reading life and strive to encourage in my children the love for reading that I found as an adult. I love talking all things bookish and look forward to reading in community here.

Husband cameo (far left) in beer fridge

Hi, my name is Jessica Risma. I'm a wife, mother of four, homeschooled homeschooler, and a life-long Catholic. I came early to the reading life while sitting on my mother's lap, pursued the study of fiction into post-grad, and now jump at any opportunity to continue sharing this love for the written word with my children, my husband, my friends (including you!), and anyone who will listen. Thanks for being here!

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If you are not part of one of our Reading Revisited Groups already, please contact me to see if there is one near you or we can chat about how to start your own. Reading together with other women has been one of the best ways I have brought beauty and order into my chaotic life. Also, please feel free to read along on your own as well if you don’t have the capacity to meet up with a group. We’d love to have you in our virtual community as well!

Here is Some Housekeeping if you’d like to know how we plan to get bookish fun to you each week!

Subscribe to Reading Revisited

A place for friends to enjoy some good old-fashioned book chat while revisiting the truth, beauty, and goodness we’ve found in our favorite books.


Wife. Mother of 6. Catholic Convert. Homeschooler. Reader of weird and old books. I'm here for the book chat!
Mother of several, wife to one, learning to live and living to learn through the written word and writing words. I'm a homeschooled homeschooler with an M.A. in Brit Lit.
Hi! I'm Hannah - wife to one great man and mother to three wild boys. Just here pursuing sainthood and talking books every chance I get!